Sun Protection
From mid-August to 30 April, all students must wear a sun protective hat that shades the face, neck and ears for all outdoor activities. Hats may also be worn for all outdoor activities outside of the August to April time period, by parent or student choice.

Students wear a school hat or a hat that protects the face, head, neck and ears when outdoors, for example broadbrimmed, legionnaire or bucket hat. Baseball or peaked caps and sun visors are not considered a suitable alternative, as they do not protect the ears, cheeks or neck. Students who are not wearing appropriate protective clothing or hats will be asked to use available areas of shade when outdoors or a suitable area protected from the sun.

SunSmart’s school tips for families:

  1. Create opportunities for your child to apply sunscreen, so they know how to do it independently before and during school.
  2. Attach sunscreen to your child’s backpack, so it can be an easy reminder to reapply at school.
  3. Label your child’s hat, so they can easily grab their hat before heading outdoors.
  4. Encourage your child to look for shady spaces to play outdoors.

For more information visit: