Werribee Primary School is a registered SunSmart school member committed to ensuring students and staff are protected from too much UV which can cause skin and eye damage and skin cancer. Our school uniform includes covering clothing and sun protective hats and we have shady spaces for students to access. But we need your help.
SunSmart recommends SPF30 or higher broad spectrum, water resistant sunscreen be applied to any skin not covered by clothing. Our school will be implementing strategies to help remind students to apply sunscreen before heading outdoors.
Please help support this initiative by:
- Supplying your child with SPF30 or higher, broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen for use during school hours.
We are SunSmart - a note for families
Other information can also be found on the Sunsmart Website
Further Information and Resources
- the Department’s Policy and Advisory Library:
- SunSmart and Cancer Council Victoria.
- Primary schools free education resources, sample policies and information about the free SunSmart Schools Program.
- Secondary schools free education resources and sample policies.
- Sunscreen reactions.