Energy Frog kits: In 2018 energy frog kits were introduced. Each kit has a plush frog, scrapbook and mission cards. Each week a selected child takes energy frog home to complete an energy saving mission with their family over the weekend. They then share their mission using photos, drawings or words with the rest of their class.
Active Travel to school: In 2016, There was a 25% increase in active travel. Werribee Primary School encourages active travel to school and the message ‘Part Way is Ok’, by encouraging students to walk to school together as a group.
Earth Hour: In 2015, the school was energy free for 94% of the day. All classrooms were encouraged to be energy free by not using electrical items, such as, lights, heaters/air conditioners or netbooks.
Solar Panels: In 2015, a 27kW Solar system (2 x 15kW inverters with 108 x 250W panels) were installed at Werribee Primary School. It generates 27% of the school's electricity. At the sunniest point on a sunny day, the system is generating 48% of the school's power.
Energy saving tips at HOME:
- Install low-energy lighting - such as LED or compact Fluorescent lights.
- Switch off lighting in unoccupied rooms.
- Dress for the weather
- Set your heating thermostat to 18° to 20°C – every one degree less will save about 10 per cent on your heating bill.
- Weather-seal external doors using draught stoppers or 'door snakes' at the bottom
- Wash your clothes in cold water where possible, and dry on a line or rack.
- Make sure your washing machine and dishwasher are full before running.