Student reports
Student reports provide an overview of how well your child is doing at school.
Parents receive a student report twice a year which is available on the Xuno Parent Portal. (June and December)
Parent-teacher interviews
You will have at least one formal interview with your child’s teacher/s each year.
If you have any concerns about your child’s progress throughout the year you can contact the school for an appointment and make a mutually convenient time to meet with the classroom teacher or year-level coordinator.
A parent-teacher interview enables you to:
- discuss how your child is progressing, both academically and socially
- see examples of work
- get to know your child’s teacher/s
- stay informed about plans for your child’s future learning.
Contact your child’s teacher for further opportunities to discuss your child’s progress.
Interpreting services are available for parents from non-English backgrounds to attend the parent-teacher interviews. Please contact the school to assist you to access this service.