The Victorian Curriculum
The whole school curriculum plan at Werribee Primary School is based on the Victorian Curriculum F-10. Our whole school curriculum plans define what it is that all students have the opportunity to learn because of their schooling at Werribee PS.
The Victorian Curriculum outlines what is essential for all Victorian students to learn from Foundation (F) to Year 10. It includes the Victorian Curriculum for English, Mathematics, History and Science (incorporating the Australian Curriculum) and provides a single, complete set of common state-wide standards and priorities, which schools use to plan student-learning programs, assess student progress and report to parents.
More information can be accessed from the Victorian Curriculum F-10 website
Overview of the Victorian Curriculum:
Investigation Units at Werribee PS
Our ‘Investigation Units’ at Werribee Primary School are designed around an integrated inquiry-based approach to student learning. We integrate concepts and skills across several learning areas in order to achieve depth and breadth in learning. Learning, using this approach at Werribee PS, involves three stages: ENGAGE, EXTEND and APPLY.
ENGAGE: students share previous experiences, make connections and develop questions of inquiry for further investigation and research
EXTEND: new information is gathered, processed and explored, students understandings are extended and challenged, new information is acquired and research skills are developed
APPLY: students make conclusions and reflecting on their learning, they applying new skills to new situations and make links with our world.
When students are actively involved in their learning, their learning is both engaging and powerful. Through the course of an investigation unit, students investigate significant questions, explore, and research these with real purpose to promote high order thinking. Our Investigation Units allow students to:
- have a voice in their learning
- discover different perspectives
- challenge their thinking and misconceptions
- research and explore new information
- be active citizens at school, home and in the community
- apply new learning and to problem solve
This model of learning has the potential to develop personal skills such as independence, cooperation, thinking skills, confidence, decision-making and other life skills. Inquiry-based learning brings community members into the school, as well as taking the students out into the community, to assist them to build their knowledge and understandings and make meaningful connections between their learning and the world around them.
Delivering the curriculum through our Investigation Unit planning is our pathway to develop in our students the knowledge and skills required for life-long learning, social development and active and informed citizenship.