Welcome Beginning School Key Dates Literacy Numeracy Resources
Before your child comes to school
Starting school is a big change for your child. Anything that you can help them to learn to do before they come to school will make school a happier place to be.
Help your child learn how to:
- Write their name
- Take off and put on appropriate clothing g. jumper, hat, jacket
- Put on shoes and tie up shoe laces or use Velcro tabs
- Open and close their lunch box and drink bottle - eat and drink without help (eg. opening packets, peeling fruit or removing glad wrap)
- Use a handkerchief or tissue
- Put things away in their bag and zip it up
- Use scissors correctly and safely
- Go to the toilet on their own – pulling up clothing, flushing the toilet, washing hands. Please ensure boys are familiar with urinals
You can use the following checklist to help identify skills your child might practise prior to beginning school.
Beginning School
Your child will need to bring the following to school:
- Recess Snack (packed separately)
- Brain food (fruit or vegetable snack, e.g. celery, carrot sticks) in a small container or packed separately
- Lunch (lunch box needs to have child’s name on base and lid)
- Plastic drink container (named) filled with water only
- School Bag (named and with a distinctive tag to help your child identify their bag)
- Art Smock
- SunSmart school hat https://www.sunsmart.com.au/protect-your-skin
It would be appreciated if parents could also bring the following items to school in the first few days of Term1. Please note that these itmes are for shared use in the classroom:
- A large box of tissues
- A small container of play-dough (Play-Doh brand) that can be purchased from a supermarket or department store
- Coles Brand Antibacterial Hand Wash – Lime Fresh or Dettol Soft on Skin Liquid Hand Wash (due to OH & S Chemical Register requirements)
Students are expected to attend school in the Werribee Primary School uniform. For information and pricing, please click here.
Settling In - The First Few Weeks
During the first week you are welcome to stay for a short period of time to ensure your child feels secure, but once they have settled in, a quick, reassuring goodbye encourages independence.
- Put sunscreen on your child in the morning before school and ensure they wear their SunSmart hat.
- Take your child to the learning gallery.
- Say a quick ‘good-bye’ and inform your child that you are going and will be back to pick them up later in the day.
Recess and Lunch Breaks
At the end of recess and lunchtime breaks, music, followed by a bell, indicates the end of playtime. All students are expected to stop their activities and make their way to line up on the basketball court. They have the opportunity while the music is playing to go to the toilet and get a drink. A final bell will then ring and students are expected to be lined up at the basketball court.
Students eat their lunch after they come in from play to enable them to eat without rushing and to have a quiet time after they have been running around outside.
During Term 1, while the students are settling in and getting used to school we prefer them to play in the Foundation Playground area only. This also allows staff to supervise them more closely to ensure they are feeling happy and safe during break times.
If the weather is not suitable for students to play outside during recess and lunch breaks, an announcement will be made and students will be supervised in their classrooms.
End of Day Dismissal
Students need to be collected from their classrooms at dismissal time. Please ensure that your child’s teacher knows who will be collecting your child. It is very important that children are picked up on time, so they do not become upset.
To minimise congestion in the Foundation rooms and in order to assist the children to settle into routines in a calm and happy manner, we ask that parents remain outside the classroom when collecting their child. The teacher will send your child out to you when they see you.
If for any reason you are going to be late please ring the office so they can notify your child’s
teacher. Any child not picked up by 3:20pm is taken to the office and parents are contacted.
After Hours School Care
We are proud to partner with Camp Australia to provide our outside school hours care program.
To find out more about the program at our school, including hours of operation, fees and how to register please Click Here
Student Safety
It is essential that we know where every child is during the school day.
- Once they are dropped off and enter the school gates they are to remain at school.
- If your child arrives late or is to be picked up prior to dismissal time, then they will need to be signed in or out using the XUNO kiosk located in the foyer of the Administration Office. You will be issued with a slip which needs to be handed to the teacher.
- Please contact the school immediately if your child arrives home during school hours.
- Children are required to move around the school with a partner if going to the office, toilet or another classroom.
- Students are not to arrive at school prior to 8.30am as teachers are not on duty for yard supervision until 8.30am before school. The yard will be supervised after school until 3.20pm and during recess and lunchtime. Please talk to your child about looking for one of the staff members wearing a fluoro vest as this is the person to speak to if they need assistance in the yard.
- Any adult coming to the school during the day needs to enter via the office and see the office staff who will direct them to sign in using the XUNO Kiosk. A lanyard is to be worn displaying the sign in slip and `Working with Children Check’ (if applicable).
- For the safety of all children and in the event of an emergency we need to know who is in the school and for what purpose.
Medical Information
In dealing with emergencies or sickness it is vital that we have on record the most accurate information concerning any medical problems your child may have. On enrolment, you were asked questions in relation to any medical information we should know about your child, however should your child develop any allergies, drug sensitivities or any medical condition please advise us as soon as possible.
- If your child needs to take medication at school, parents need to fill out a Medication Authority Form which can be obtained from the office or on the school website (Parents – notes and forms).
- Medication needs to be handed in at the First Aid Room as it is not permitted in classrooms or students school bags.
- All students’ medication must be supplied to the school in the original packaging from the chemist. If the medication is prescribed, the pharmacist’s sticker must be attached showing the child’s name, the dosage required. All supplied medication must have a clear indication of the current expiry date.
- Some medication will require a letter from your child’s Paediatrician and subsequent letter if any changes have been made to the dosage/script or if the medication is ceasing.
- If your child has an Anaphylaxis or Asthma Management Plan the school requires a current copy to be given to the First Aid Officer along with any required medication.
- If your child is injured or has been sent to the sickbay, you will receive a SMS message via XUNO.
- If your child is unwell and needs to be collected from school you will receive a SMS and a follow-up phone call from the first aid officer.
- If your child sustains a head injury you will be also be contacted by the First Aid
- Regular attendance at school is most important as it maintains continuity of their learning and aids social adjustment, but if your child is ill the best place for them is to be is at home.
Emergency Contact Details
If a serious illness or accident occurs every effort will be made to contact you or your emergency contacts. Please nominate someone who is generally available, reliable, has access to a car and is willing to collect and care for your child should we be unable to reach you. Parents are expected to keep the school informed of all contact numbers and all other pertinent medical information.
The school communicates with families in a variety of ways which include:
- XUNO: https://xuno.werribeeps.vic.edu.au
- Our Website: http://www.werribeeps.vic.edu.au/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/werribeeps/
- Class Dojo to keep you updated on what’s happening within the foundation community.
- Electronic Sign (Corner of Deutgam and Wedge Street)
- Email Alerts - register now to stay up to date by scrolling to the bottom of ourhomepage and click on 'subscribe'
- Notices uploaded to our website
- Text messages with important reminders or messages
- Assemblies
For families new to the school, XUNO (pronounced `zoo-no’) is a web-based portal that enables families to log in and have immediate access to important Information about their child and what is happening in the school. A welcome email will be sent to you with your log in details. Information available to you includes your child’s school reports, calendar events, news alerts, attendance and the ability to contact your child’s teacher and to also update your details and make payments for fees, camps and excursions. A link to XUNO is on our website.
Contact Us
If you have a concern regarding your child, please contact your child's teacher and arrange an appointment:
- By logging into the XUNO Parent Portal and sending a message to the teacher.
- Phone the school on 9742 6659 (if teacher not available you will be put through to voicemail)
- Email the school: werribee.ps@education.vic.gov.au
- Write a note and hand it to your child’s teacher or hand it into the Office
Please be aware that talking to your child's teacher in the morning is not the best time to discuss your concerns, as their main focus is on getting the students settled for the day.
Student Reports
Based on Victorian Department of Education and training (DET) guidelines, Werribee Primary School currently communicates student learning and growth to parents over the course of the year, using the following strategies:
- Term 1 meet the teacher conversations - this is an opportunity for parents to meet the
classroom teacher and for both parties to share valuable information regarding the child’s
- Term 2 Parent/Student/Teacher conversations to discuss academic progress.
- Term 2 and 4 written reports available on the XUNO Parent Portal.
Excursions and School Events
Approval and payments for excursions/school activities should be done via XUNO by the due date. You will be notifed when a new event goes live.
Please Note:
Your child will not be taken on an excursion without your approved permission, therefore you must provide, within the set timeframe, the electronic approval, which you will find in Events on XUNO. An exception to this is the Local Excursion Consent form which you will be asked to sign yearly.
Lost Property
Please label everything with your child's name. If something goes missing, you and your child are encouraged to go to the lost property cupboards located in the passageway near the Art Room.
Please discuss with your child the need for them to take responsibility for looking after and caring for their belongings.
You may also find your child mistakes someone else's belongings for their own - this commonly happens, especially with so many identical garments in the school. Please check the garments your child brings home and return those that have been taken home accidentally back to school the next day.
Treasures from Home
As toys and treasures from home are easily lost or broken and may well cause unnecessary conflict or anxiety. Please use your discretion before allowing them to come to school. Whilst every effort is taken to care for these items our school cannot accept responsibility for any damages/losses that occur.
Getting Involved in School Life
Involvement in schools by parents and carers helps children achieve the best possible learning outcomes. You can participate in school life through:
- School Council
- Werribee Friends
- Volunteering – We welcome volunteers in our school. Before volunteers are invited to assist they must attend a Volunteer Training session. A training session will be held early Term 1 and repeated as necessary. Dates will be advertised on the school website.
Department of Education for Parents