Enrolment at Werribee Primary School
Our school zone
Our school zone is available on findmyschool.vic.gov.au which hosts the most up-to-date information on school zones in Victoria.
Students residing within our school zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined based on your permanent residential address.
Our school manages enrolments using the Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and may enrol at another school, if there are available places.
For more information, you can:
- visit School zonesfor answers to frequently asked questions
- call the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) on 1800 896 950
- email the VSBA at vsba@education.vic.gov.au
Foundation (Prep) enrolments
The Department of Education has a statewide Foundation (Prep) enrolment timeline.
The timeline advises families when and how to enrol their child into Foundation (Prep) at a Victorian government primary school, including [insert name of your school].
You can find information and resources about the enrolment timeline at: Enrolling in Foundation (Prep).
You will be able to apply to enrol your child in Foundation (Prep) 2026 at Werribee Primary School from 22 April 2025.
What you need to do:
- Contact our school werribee.ps@education.vic.gov.au to learn more about our school and the enrolment application process.
- Foundation 2026 School tours will take place on the first Wednesday of each month at 9:30am beginning in Term 2. Please book by sending an email to the school werribee.ps@education.vic.gov.au.
- Download the Foundation (Prep) enrolment information pack from Enrolling in Foundation (Prep) (available by 22 April 2025). This pack includes an application form, which you can also request from our school.
- Submit an enrolment application for Foundation (Prep) by Friday 25 July 2025.
- You will be notified of the outcome of your application between Monday 28 July and Friday 8 August 2025. If you receive an enrolment offer, you should contact our school to accept the offer by Friday 22 August 2025.
- Take part in enrolment information and transition sessions during Term 4, 2025.
- Prepare your child to start Foundation (Prep) from Wednesday 28 January 2026.
Enrolment applications submitted after 25 July 2025 will be processed by our school as they are received, in accordance with the department’s Placement Policy.
Residential address check
To assist Werribee Primary School in assessing your child’s eligibility for enrolment, please provide documents to verify your child's permanent residence. Any combination of the following documents is acceptable as long as they add up to at least 100 points:
Document showing the full name of the child’s parent/carer and address |
Points |
1. One of the following: 1.1. Council rates notice OR 1.2. Lease agreement through a registered real estate agent or rental board bond receipt OR 1.3. Exchanged contract of sale |
40 |
2. Any of the following 2.1. Centrelink payment statement showing home address 2.2. Electoral roll statement |
20 each |
3. Any of the following documents 3.1. Electricity or gas bill showing the service address* 3.2. Water bill showing the service address* 3.3. Telephone or internet bill showing the service address* 3.4. Driver’s licence or government issued ID showing current home address* 3.5. Home building or home contents insurance showing the service address 3.6. Motor vehicle registration or compulsory third party insurance policy showing home address |
15 each |
*up to 3 months old
Documents provided as per the 100-point residential address table should match the details recorded on the school enrolment application, including parent’s/carer’s name and address.
Optional: On request, you may also be required to complete a statutory declaration. A statutory declaration should confirm the student is living in the address provided in the enrolment application and that the arrangement is intended to be permanent. The declaration must contain written acknowledgment by the declarant that it is true and correct and is made in the belief that a person making a false declaration is liable to the penalties of perjury.
When assessing your child’s enrolment application, Werribee Primary School may make some enquiries to confirm the information provided is correct.
This can include:
- Checking the electoral roll at an Australian Electoral Commission office or theVictorian Electoral Commission headoffice
- Contacting your real estate agent to confirm lease or contract of sale
- Checking whether there are anyregulations/codes limiting the occupancyof rented studio apartments or onebedroom units.
Your enrolment application may be unsuccessful if the school is not able to verify your address using the documentation provided.
If you wish to enrol your child please contact the office on 9742 6659 to arrange an appointment.
Required documents
The following documentation is required in order to complete the enrolment process for your child. Please ensure that ALL details are completed.
- Completed Student Enrolment Form
- Copy of Birth Certificate (enrolment forms will not be accepted without these.)
- Copy of Medicare Immunisation Summary
Other requirements
The following may be necessary and should be submitted with the enrolment forms:
- Asthma Management Plan (prepared in conjunction with, and signed/stamped by a medical practitioner for all children who suffer from asthma).
- Anaphylaxis Management Plan (prepared in conjunction with, and signed/stamped by a medical practitioner for all children who suffer from anaphylaxis).
Enrolment Document Checklist for Parents and Carers
2025 Local Excursion Consent Form
Photographing, Filming and Recording Students at WPS Consent Form